Forum Replies Created
January 1, 2012 at 4:22 pm in reply to: Interfacing LM35 and avr controller with use of internal ADC of ATMEGA32 #6976
ParticipantI connected it on BreadBoard. I have a developement board from Extreme Electronics But in my Developement board JTAG is already disabled by fuse byte settings from the time of buying. So I tried this on BreadBoard and it worked.
December 28, 2011 at 1:36 pm in reply to: Interfacing LM35 and avr controller with use of internal ADC of ATMEGA32 #6957Tuhin
Participanthey, Dhruwank you just forget to diable jtag interface Port. I have modified your program a little and it is working on hardware andI have checked it. You have done a great job.#include <avr/io.h>#include<util/delay.h>#include<math.h>#include<stdlib.h>#define LCD_PRT PORTC#define LCD_PIN PINC#define LCD_DDR DDRC#define LCD_RS 0#define LCD_RW 1#define LCD_EN 2#define LS_NULL 0B00000000void delay_us(int d){_delay_us(d);}void delay_ms(int d){_delay_ms(d);}void lcdcommand(unsigned char cmnd){LCD_PRT = (LCD_PRT & 0x0F)| (cmnd & 0xF0);LCD_PRT &=~(1<<LCD_RS);LCD_PRT &=~(1<<LCD_RW);LCD_PRT |=(1<<LCD_EN);delay_us(1);LCD_PRT &=~(1<<LCD_EN);delay_us(20);LCD_PRT = (LCD_PRT & 0x0F) | (cmnd<<4);LCD_PRT |= (1<<LCD_EN);delay_us(1);LCD_PRT &=~ (1<<LCD_EN);}void lcddata(unsigned char data){LCD_PRT = (LCD_PRT & 0x0F) | (data & 0xF0);LCD_PRT |= (1<<LCD_RS);LCD_PRT &=~ (1<<LCD_RW);LCD_PRT |= (1<<LCD_EN);delay_us(1);LCD_PRT &=~ (1<<LCD_EN);delay_us(20);LCD_PRT = (LCD_PRT & 0x0F) | (data << 4);LCD_PRT |= (1<<LCD_EN);delay_us(1);LCD_PRT &=~ (1<<LCD_EN);}void LCD_init(){LCD_DDR = 0xFF;LCD_PRT &=~(1<<LCD_EN);delay_us(2000);lcdcommand(0x33);delay_us(100);lcdcommand(0x32);delay_us(100);lcdcommand(0x28);delay_us(100);lcdcommand(0x0E);delay_us(100);lcdcommand(0x01);delay_us(2000);lcdcommand(0x06);delay_us(100);}unsigned int adc_conv(void){DDRA=0;ADCSRA=0x87;ADMUX=0xE0;ADCSRA|=(1<<ADSC);while((ADCSRA&(1<<ADIF))==0);return ADCH;}void LCD_gotoxy(unsigned char x, unsigned char y){unsigned char firstcharadr[]={0x80, 0x85};lcdcommand(firstcharadr[y-1] + x – 1);delay_us(100);}void LCD_print(char * str){unsigned char i=0;while(str!=0){lcddata(str);i++;}}int main(void){MCUCSR|= (1<<JTD); //disaleb JTAGMCUCSR|= (1<<JTD);unsigned char val,t;LCD_init(LS_NULL);LCD_gotoxy(1,1);LCD_print(“Temperature “);LCD_gotoxy(10,2);LCD_print(“*c”);while(1){LCD_gotoxy(8,2);val=adc_conv();t=round(val*0.48876);char buffer[10];itoa(val,buffer,10);LCD_print(buffer);delay_ms(100);}return 0;}December 5, 2011 at 5:10 pm in reply to: problem regarding interfacing LCD using ATMEGA16 code by CHINMAY CHINARA #6910Tuhin
ParticipantYou have made a worng connection. Just see the back sibe of LCD and conform which pin is no1. and so on. Then connect it. I myself suffered from this problem.I’m giving you the pin configration of LCD you connect it as per your requirment.
2.VDD(5V or 3V)
3.V0(Contrast adjustment)
15.LED+(~ 4.2V)
Just see the backside of lcd and make sure your connection is right or not.
ParticipantHi friends, if both of you want a solution of this problem you can mail in my id ([email protected])
hope I can help you both.
Participantyou just reffer \\ and read the AVR lcd interfaceing tutorial. you may download
the lcd.c , lcd.h, and myutils.h file and add source and header file to your main program and then you can easily use lcd as per your requirement.
But remember if you are going to use this source file keep one thing in mind you have to connect the datalines of lcd DB4-DB7 with 0-3 no. pins of any port. you have to use the first 4 bits of any portof mcu