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change the resister value to one mega ohm and 51kohm must work
i have purchased cmp03 digital compass module they are giving sample codes for avr,pic but not 89c51 .
first link is for fuse bit setting for avr micro controller and if you do any mistake your chip will lock for that you need fusebit doctor second one is link for fusebit doctor enjoy
i won’t suggest you doing that project but you can interface gsm module/gsm phone with micro lots of ineresting projects like
1)gsm based data logger
2)gsm based device swichting
3)gsm alarm system
4)gsm +gps based vehicle locator
and so on ………
use proteus 7.7 version very easy to use
if you are using asm51 by ww heinz just drag .asm file and drop it to asem application file you will get lst file and hex file ,isn’t it simple cheers