Microcontroller › 8051 › interfacing ir sensor with 8051
- This topic has 34 replies, 24 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by
February 26, 2012 at 7:48 pm #7199
how to measure a speed using IR sensor and interface ir sensor with controller 89c51…
April 8, 2012 at 9:28 am #7398Amit kumar meena
Participantcould you please post the ir sensor with 8051 microcontroller interfacing code.and which software should use. please give a little description. actualluy i have to send signal of ir sensor in laptop and for this i have 8051 , ir sensor and usb to serial converter rs232 .could u plz guide how i work ? actuallly i am trying to work on keil software ..is this a right option ? plz guide ……..
April 9, 2012 at 1:29 pm #7404D.V.G. Krishna
Participantfollow the link
use the LM358 comparator circuit
shown in the link
April 11, 2012 at 8:14 pm #7416BILAL sadiq
Participanthi every one i have question
i am using IR led As transmitter and photo transistor as reciever
whein IR is falling on phototransistor nothing is happen (which i actually want)
but when some one passes (break the LED light from IR on to Phototransistor)
i have
IR —> phototransistor—-> 2n2222 —-> an indicatng LED at its collector —-> which is then send to LM339 -ve (inverting) terminal—-> then +ve terminal of :LM339 is then fed (with pull up) to P1^0;
but problem comes over here…
initially the LM 339 output is generating 0V (but with my DMM it is actually showing 1.76V)
then when some one passes LM339 generates 5V (buti with my DMM it is 5.56V)
problem is controller starts incrementing automatically
where i want is that when some pass then controller increment by one
and so on till 99
April 12, 2012 at 10:26 am #7422Olufemi
Participanti happen to be working on an automatic vehicle counter as a project in my school using an infrared sensor……i donot know which particular sensor to use, which should detect the vehicle up to a distance of 10m…please help
April 13, 2012 at 9:17 am #7431D.V.G. Krishna
Participanthi dude
i already uploaded a link that discribes the working of IR sensor
if you are using 8051 micro controller
to diclare the pin as input tha last thing written to the port must be “1”
if you want to make all pins of port1 as in put you need to write P1=0xff;
the sensor you showed in the link may not work properly.use the comparator circuit as shown in the following link which i already posted in previous post
the logic will be as follows
void main()
P1=0xff ; // all pins of port1 are diclared as in put
//asume that the sensor is connected to pin P0.0
// assume sensor gives high on detecting an object
if((P1 & 0x01)==0x01) // bit masking to check for only P0.0
P2=0xff; // switches on the LED connected to port2 if the sensor dectects an object
P2=0x00;// LED off
April 13, 2012 at 9:19 am #7432D.V.G. Krishna
Participantif you need a sensor that cam detect up to 10m
you need a ultrasonic sensor
that will be very………………………….. costly
April 16, 2012 at 4:42 pm #7465shoaib ajmal
Participanthey kunal . have you completed your project ? i have the same problem. i am making this automatic door controller using 89C51 and infrared. i want to make one pin on 8051 high and low whenever a person comes and IR is interupted .
need help guys .
i am new to this MCU thing . i keep on searching things about interfacing IR sensor with 8051 but didnt get any positive result.April 17, 2012 at 1:17 pm #7471D.V.G. Krishna
Participantfollow the link
donot use LDR(light dependent resistor)
it is very slow
connect the out put pin of the IR sensor shown in the link to the MCU input
by varing the variable resistor you can alter the range of sensor
January 17, 2013 at 3:11 am #8968Sigit
I have problem with my sensor interfacing, my sensor is PIR and I use AT89S52. when I initialize the sensor pin input with high condition for being an input pin, the sensor always detect motion even there is no any acivity in front of every three second. I already used pull up resistor.
thank you,
July 3, 2013 at 9:31 am #10088WhateverIO
ParticipantHey gus,this’s Your new friend from Morocco, latly I come acrosss very intersting project ( for me) which concern monitering number of people inside a particular room and turning the light off automaticly when the number of these peole become equal 0.I did find the circuit on the net without wiring since it cost money to have it, so I am here hoping that you guys help me,this mini electronic project very important to me I need to built in the very short time,please if You find anything to this Adress :Thank You so muchfAugust 5, 2013 at 1:22 pm #10275A.Rahul
Participanthi guys, this is Rahul
very interesting comments from all of you.
I have been working on a similar type of project
and I have stuck at one point.
actually my project is, whenever a car comes between the IR sensor and photo transistor, a message should be sent from the transmitter (which is interfaced with the controller 8051) to the receiver inside the car which has intersected the IR beam,
so to do this ,firstly I need to interface ir sensor with the ADC and then to 8051
so can any one please help me in the circuitry of this interfacing part please??
thank you,
October 21, 2013 at 6:42 pm #10544aman
Participanti need a c code of multi level automatic car parking !! plzzz
December 25, 2013 at 2:04 pm #10758darshil
Participanthi guyzz
i hv doubt
actly m gng to make railway gate control system
so i dnt no which stepper motor is perfect for my circuit
and which stepper motor cn b connected wid motor driver ic lm293d n my gate wud b of plastic soo which stepper motor cn easily lift it up
and how can i connect my microcontoller’s o/p to stepper motor
plz plz plz rly asap plz
July 20, 2014 at 6:01 am #11916sandesh giri
Participanthy i am doing project on ” An Automatic Queue Management System “. I am using ir transmitter and receiver for automatic counting purpose. 38 khz generating tshop is used. i have problem in coding that using comparater( atmega16 microcontroller)output how to increase count of 7 segment display, when to stop and when to use buzzer. Please any onw help me plzzzz. I will be very mch thankful to u.
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