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Thank you guys for your suggestion. Its working fine now, all because of your suggestions.
Sorry for my mistake people. I just went through the datasheet got to know that the digital output is of just 1 bit ( a logic 1 or 0) and NOT 1 byte as in the case of analog output.
My project involves measuring the distance of the obstacle, which I was able to do, but not exactly the result that I wanted.
The thing is that reading becomes high as the obstacle gets nearer to the sensor. But I want the opposite to be happening. That is the reading should become 0(zero) when the obstacle is closest to the sensor and almost 255 (since the analog output is 8-bit) when the obstacle out-of-range for the sensor.
Any help in solving this is much appreciated in advance.
The datasheet is at this link:-
Hi, thank you for your interest. The sensor is an Infrared Obstacle detection sensor with four pins, namely: Vcc(5V), GND, Digital out & Analog out. It can detect obstacles up to 30 cm.