Microcontroller › AVR › Error using Lm35 Interface with Atmega 16
- This topic has 4 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 9 months ago by harsh dhiman.
August 5, 2013 at 7:26 pm #2575Hamza KhanParticipant
hey I am using the following code to interface LM35 with ATMEGA16 and displaying the result on LCD.
When the temprature is above 100 degree centigrade the output of ADC is fine but when the temperature falls below 99 degree centigrade the ADC outputs garbage value.
like for 150 degree to 100 it displays the same but for 99 to 10 degree centigrade it displays 990 degree to 100 and then from 9 to 0 centigrade the output is 900 degree centigrade to 100.
here is the code tell me the mistake.
#include<avr/io.h>#include<avr/delay.h>//#include<inttypes.h>//#include <stdint.h>#define rs PA0#define rw PA1#define en PA2void lcd_init();void ADC_init();unsigned int ADC_read(unsigned char);void dis_cmd(char);void dis_data(char);void lcdcmd(char);void lcddata(char);int main(void){DDRA=0xEF;while (1){ADC_init();unsigned char data0[]=”Temperature=”;unsigned int data1,adc_val,a;char int_buffer[10];lcd_init();LCD_print(data0);adc_val=ADC_read(3);data1=(adc_val/2.048);//a=(((308*5)*100)/1024);itoa(data1, int_buffer, 10);dis_cmd(0xC0);LCD_print(int_buffer);}}void lcd_init() // Function for initialize{dis_cmd(0x02); // To initialize LCD in 4-bit mode.dis_cmd(0x28); // To initialize LCD in 2 lines, 5X7 dots in 4bit mode.dis_cmd(0x0F); // Blinking Cursordis_cmd(0x06); // Entry modedis_cmd(0x80); // This command gives the location of first letter ** 80 + ‘x’ ** shifts the display ‘x’ units right._delay_ms(500);}void dis_cmd(char cmd_value){char cmd_value1;cmd_value1 = cmd_value & 0xF0; // Mask lower nibble because PA4-PA7 pins are used (Extracting Upper Four bits)// Masking means clearing bits// Upper nibble is sent first and then the lower nibblelcdcmd(cmd_value1); // Send to LCDcmd_value1 = ((cmd_value<<4) & 0xF0); // Shift 4-bit and mask (Extracting Upper Four Bits)lcdcmd(cmd_value1); // Send to LCD}void dis_data(char data_value){char data_value1;data_value1=data_value & 0xF0;lcddata(data_value1);data_value1=((data_value<<4)&0xF0);lcddata(data_value1);}void lcdcmd(char cmdout){//Commands on LCD is initialized by having a negative transition on the enable pin.// 1) RS=RW=0 & EN=1;// 2) RS=RW=0 & EN=0;PORTA=cmdout;PORTA&=~(1<<rs);PORTA&=~(1<<rw);PORTA|=(1<<en);_delay_ms(1);PORTA&=~(1<<en);}void lcddata(char dataout){//Letters on LCD is displayed by having a negative transition on the enable pin.// 1) RS=RW=1 & EN=1;// 2) RS=RW=1 & EN=0;PORTA=dataout;PORTA|=(1<<rs);PORTA&=~(1<<rw);PORTA|=(1<<en);_delay_ms(1);PORTA&=~(1<<en);}void ADC_init(){ADMUX=(1<<REFS0);ADCSRA=(1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS0);}unsigned int ADC_read(unsigned char ch){ch= ch & 0b00000111; // channel must be b/w 0 to 7ADMUX |= ch; // selecting channelADCSRA|=(1<<ADSC); // start conversionwhile(!(ADCSRA & (1<<ADIF))); // waiting for ADIF, conversion completeADCSRA|=(1<<ADIF); // clearing of ADIF, it is done by writing 1 to itreturn (ADC);}void LCD_print(char * str){unsigned char i=0;while(str!=0){dis_data(str);i++;}}September 17, 2013 at 8:32 am #10462mohammad aminParticipantHI
code software LM35
#include <mega16.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <delay.h>
.equ __lcd_port=0x18 ;PORTB
#include <lcd.h>
#define Up PIND.0
#define Down PIND.1
#define Enter PIND.2
#define high_LED PORTA.1
unsigned char compare=0,set=0xff;
float temp;
void display(){
char lcd_buf[32];
sprintf(lcd_buf,”Temp=%3.1fxdfCnHigh Temp=%i”,temp,compare);
if(high_LED==1) lcd_putsf(“on “);
if(high_LED==0) lcd_putsf(“off”);
interrupt [ADC_INT] void adc_isr(void){
unsigned int adc_data;
if(temp>=set) high_LED=1;
else high_LED=0;
void inc_set_temp(){
if(compare<99) compare++;
void dec_set_temp(){
if(compare!=0) compare–;
void main(){
if(Up==0) inc_set_temp();
if(Down==0) dec_set_temp();
if(Enter==0) set=compare;
}November 15, 2013 at 6:11 am #10609Ganesh SelvarajParticipantHello Hamza Khan, I guess the problem is that the variable “data1” is declared as int type and so it doesn’t take decimals. Try changing it to float type.
February 4, 2014 at 5:53 pm #10936Ashutosh BhattParticipantthe problem is sending and printing values on LCD. to display values in correct order use following function
void display(unsigned char z){unsigned int tmp1,tmp2,t,t1,i;unsigned char ASCII[3];tmp1 = (z & 0x0F);tmp2 = z>>4;tmp2 = tmp2*16;t = tmp1+tmp2;if(t>=100){i=2;while(t>10){t1=t%10;ASCII=t1+0x30;t=t/10;i–;}ASCII[0]=t+0x30;}else{t1=t%10;ASCII[2]=t1+0x30;t=t/10;ASCII[1]=t+0x30;ASCII[0]=0x30;}writedata(ASCII[0]);writedata(ASCII[1]);writedata(ASCII[2]);}March 6, 2014 at 3:29 pm #11214harsh dhimanParticipantcan u plz provide the circuit diagram . the code gets complied (Y)
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