Microcontroller › AVR › ADC interface with atmega32 with eight different sensors
- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by Ashutosh Bhatt.
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March 24, 2017 at 5:55 am #4627s.manisrinivasParticipant
Hi friends,
I want to display 8 sensors values in a LCD one after another and one only one sensor should display in LCD .How can I do that,please this regards my project.
my code
#define F_CPU 16000000UL#include<avr/io.h>#include<util/delay.h>/**************************************************************************************FUNCTION DECLARATIONS***************************************************************************************/void Command(unsigned char cmd);void Data(unsigned char dat);int Adc_Conversion(unsigned char channel);void Int_ASCII(int);void Display(char loc, const char *LCD);void timer0_init();/**************************************************************************************VARIABLE DECLARATIONS***************************************************************************************/volatile unsigned char a=0;int Adc_Check=0,j=0,i,temp[];/**************************************************************************************MAIN FUNCTION***************************************************************************************/int main(){DDRA = 0b00000000; /* Set PA0 PIN as input */DDRB = 0xFF; /* Set LCD data lines(PORTB) as output */DDRD = 0X62; /* RS(PD5),EN(PD6) set as Output */ADCSRA = 0X85; /* ADEN=1,ADPS2=1,ADPS1=0,ADPS0=0 */_delay_us(15); /* Min Delay To Power On LCD To RX Mode */Command(0x30); /* LCD Specification Command */_delay_us(5);Command(0x30); /* LCD Specification Command */_delay_us(2);Command(0x30); /* LCD Specification Command */Command(0x38); /* Double Line Display Command */Command(0x06); /* Auto Increment Location Address Command */Command(0x0C); /* Display ON Command */Command(0x01); /* Clear Display Command */_delay_us(1200);//Display(0x80, "ADC");Display(0x80, "pot1=");Display(0xC0, "pot2=");//Display(0xC6, ",");timer0_init();while(1){if (TCNT0 >= 191){{//while(1)//{Adc_Check = Adc_Conversion(0X40); /* Reading sensor out from PA0 pin */Command(0X85); /* Command to set display position */Int_ASCII(Adc_Check); /* Display adc reading */_delay_ms(500);}Adc_Check = Adc_Conversion(0X41); /* Reading sensor out from PA1 pin */Command(0XC5); /* Command to set display position */Int_ASCII(Adc_Check);// _delay_ms(500);Adc_Check = Adc_Conversion(0x42);Command(0xCA);Int_ASCII(Adc_Check);TCNT0 = 0;}//}}}/*************************************************************************************** Function : Adc_Conversion ** ** Description : Function to convert analog value to digital ** ** Parameters : channel – channel for ADC conversion ****************************************************************************************/int Adc_Conversion(unsigned char channel){volatile int b;volatile int ad = 0;ADMUX = channel; /* Channel selection */ADCSRA = ADCSRA|0X40; /* ADSC=1,start conversion */while((ADCSRA & 0x40) == 0x40); /* Check if ADIF is set i.e, conversion is over */b = ADCL; /* Read LSB result */ad = ADCH; /* Read MSB result */ad = ad<<8; /* Shift MSB 8 times */ad = ad|b; /* Combine MSB and LSB */return ad; /* Return adc reading */}/*************************************************************************************** Function : Int_ASCII ** ** Description : Function to convert integer value to ASCII ** ** Parameters : ab – integer to be converted ****************************************************************************************/void Int_ASCII(int ab){char i;char array[4];for(i=1; i<=4; i++) /* Convert decimal to ASCII */{array = ab%10; /* Separate each integer */ab = ab/10;}for(i=4; i>=1; i–){Data(array+'0'); /* Display on LCD */}}/*************************************************************************************** Function : Command ** ** Description : Function to send a command to LCD ** ** Parameters : cmd – command to be sent ****************************************************************************************/void Command(unsigned char cmd){PORTD |= 0X40; /* RS-0 for command register,E-1,Enable pin made high */PORTB = cmd; /* Command loaded to data lines */_delay_us(50);PORTD = 0X00; /* E-0, Enable pin made low */}/*************************************************************************************** Function : Data ** ** Description : Function to display a character on LCD ** ** Parameters : dat – Character to be displayed ****************************************************************************************/void Data(unsigned char dat){PORTD |= 0X60; /* RS-1 for data register,E-1,Enable pin made high */PORTB = dat; /* Data loaded to data lines */_delay_us(50);PORTD = 0X00; /* E-0, Enable pin made low */}/*************************************************************************************** Function : Display ** ** Description : Function to display string on LCD ** ** Parameters : loc – location ** LCD – String to be displayed ****************************************************************************************/void Display(char loc, const char *LCD){Command(loc); /* Address of location to display data */while(*LCD!='