Electronics › Electronics › Help in Gsm module › this is my code for
this is my code for atmega8….its not working..
help me..where to edit code…
this code is transmitting commands to hyperterminal but not working with mcu
#include<avr/io.h> //This is the header for AVR Microcontroller
#define F_CPU 12000000
#include”uart.h” //header file to program uart
int main(void)
uart_init(); //initialisation of uart
uart_string(“ATr”); //function to pass a string
uart_string(“ATE0r”); //function to pass a string
uart_string(“AT+CMGF=1r”); //function to pass a string
uart_string(“AT+CMGS=”+91**********”r”); //function to pass a string
uart_string(“op is ok”);
rly soon..plz