Projects › Projects › SMS controlled robot › My robot shall move according
My robot shall move according to the sms I send. It’s steering is based on Differential drive.
It has 4 motors (2 on each side parallely connected). The robot will perform the following
action based on sms sent. The SMS shall be a 2-digit no. consisting of only ‘0’ or ‘1’. The
1st digit controls left side motors & 2nd digit controls right sidemotors.
11 FORWARD (switches ON both side motors)
01 LEFT (switches OFF left motor OR rotates LEFT motor in OPPOSITE direction and RIGHT motor ON)
10 RIGHT (switches ON LEFT motor and RIGHT motor OFF OR rotates RIGHT motor in OPPOSITE direction )
00 STOP (switches OFF both side motors)
‘1’ should send a high signal and ‘0’ should send a low signal so that AVR Atmega 8 can prepare the
output according to HIGH/LOW signal and send it to L293D IC. Sending ‘0’ switches OFF
corresponding motor or makes it rotate in opposite direction, sending ‘1’ switches on corresponding
motor to allow Differential Drive steering method. Also if it may be possible to send inputs of more digits,
each digit controlling a particular function like switching on robot lights etc.(in that case sending a 3-digit no.).
But I am not getting how to make SIM900 interpret my sms commands and make the Atmega8 or 16 perform the required action on I/O pins. Can you please give me the complete circuit
diagram and PCB diagram with the connections of SIM900, Atmega 8 and L293D IC and other
components which I may need?
Please Sir help me for this college project.