Microcontroller › AVR › how to make running led using atmega16 › i dint get you… are you
February 15, 2011 at 7:02 am
i dint get you…
are you asking for PORTB=(1<<n);
PORTm is use to send output on port m in avr…
suppose i want to make PB3 means 3rd pin of port B as high and rest all as low i can write it as
PORTB=0b00001000; // b stands for binary…
PORTB=0x80; // here x stand for hexadecimal…
if you want to put multiple pin as output (in a port) you can use:
but remember in above statement on n n’ n” pin will be high and rest all will be low…
and if you want to change only a single pin with out affecting the rest of port values use bit wise operation….