Microcontroller › 8051 › Automatic Bidirectional Visitor Counter › Hi, If man will stop at gate,
March 12, 2014 at 3:32 am
If man will stop at gate, you will face this issue that it will continuously increase because this pin is using level instead of it you can program it to sense a edge.
I am assuming that sensor is giving logic 1 when it detects human and connected at pin P0.1
Try thhis
sbit sw=P0^1;
while (sw==0); // Wait till human is not detected
while (sw==1); // Wait till human is standnig in front of sensor
cnt++; // Increase counter value
Or something like
if (sw==1) // if human is detected
while (sw==1) ; // if human is standing infront of gate, wait till he moves on
cnt ++;