Microcontroller › 8051 › 8051 problem asm code. unfinished temperature sensor, need help please. › hi bob……..in your circuit
March 2, 2013 at 4:14 pm
hi bob……..in your circuit you have connected adc0804 data pins to microcontroller port1 that means p1.0 to p1.7….But in your program you have given it to microcontroller port2 that means p2
and also
As per your circuit you have connected rd, wr, cs, intr pins of adc0804 to port 3……. but in the program it is declared as port1
So, make changes in your code for adc0804 to connect data pins of adc0804 to port1 and control pins rd, wr, cs, intr to port3 of microcontroller
correct lines as per your circuit are
rd equ P3.0 ;Read signal P3.0
wr equ P3.1 ;Write signal P3.1
cs equ P3.2 ;Chip Select P3.2
intr equ P3.3 ;INTR signal P3.3
adc_port equ P1 ;ADC data pins P1