Microcontroller › 8051 › GENERATING VARIABLE PWM › Hi Ajish, Here is the bad
Hi Ajish,
Here is the bad news…i tried on implementing TIMERS btu didnt succeeded…nd then came back again to FOR LOOPs…did a very little change to the logic provided by….
The Program is lyk dis…
#include <reg51.h>
sbit INCREASE = P2^6;
sbit DECREASE = P2^7;
sbit MTR = P1^0;
void MSDelay(int value);
void main()
unsigned int on,off;
on=20; //initial value of ON time delay
off=0; //initial value of OFF time delay
while (1)
while(ONE==1 && TWO==1) //when both keys are open
//—-generating PWM
MSDelay(on); //applying ON time delay
MSDelay(off); //applying OFF time delay
//—when any of the key is down, exit from while loop and check which key is down–//
if(INCREASE==0 && on<20) //if key increase is down check whether it has max value or not
off–; //—-increment ON time delay if it is not maximum–//
else if (TWO==0 && on>0) // if key decrease is down check whether it ON time delay >0//
off++; //—-decrement ON time delay if it is not zero—-//
void MSDelay(int value) // Delay function //
int x;
Now the above thing works very fine in Multisim but when i tried with my hardware….i m getting only two states either my load goes fully on or fully off….no in between states…
Now i dnt knw where the problem is…is it possible that the case may be of switch debounce…!!!
expecting your reply soon…thnx