Microcontroller › PIC › reading sms from gsm modem and comparing with predefind one › here i m using gsm module. i
August 19, 2012 at 4:35 am
here i m using gsm module. i directly connect gsm module and controller.
i have connected rx,tx,vcc,power key and ground of modem.is there any extra connections in modem?
when i load the pgm to pic, and connected with modem, i can send sms from modem to mobile. but the response of the modem is not going to pic.ie, when i give through pic, AT+CMGR=1, modem can read the sms.but that the response of modem(+CMGR: “REC READ”,”+918108111649″,,”12/07/22,14:24:11+22″
OK) is not going to pic.
please give me solution.. please guide me…