Microcontroller › 8051 › RFID security system › Hello Nikita, RFID module is
Hello Nikita,
RFID module is check by two types
one from hyper terminal and other form direct hardware
I thik direct hardware is better for you b’coz using terminal you need lots of effort and setup
process is so simple..
I can’t see your module so please can you just send me the photo of ur module on my email id
email id : project [dot] student123 [at] gamil [dot] com
and also you search on google by type ” DABHI ELECTRONICS ” fist website contain webs [dot] com is mine and also I am form pune so you can get all components at very low cost.
Let assume that ur module have 9 pins and
so just do as below
1. connect pin 1 and 6 to Vcc 5-8 volts
2. oin 2 to GND
3. pin 3 to +ve of LED and -ve of LED to GND
then just scan the crad form module you will see the LED blink at that time
If LED blink at the time of scanning then sure your RFID is working and you start your nexr process in code.
One more thing RFID EM-18 module best for 8051 m/c is only 650 Rs. if you buy any components and soldering and any other electronics items at very very veyr low cost then just contact me.
project [dot] student123 [at] gamil [dot] com
www [dot] electronicsproject [dot] webs [dot] com
Hope this helpful to you.
you can conatct, it may be very helpful to you.
Jaymin D