Microcontroller › AVR › Linearisation of TC & RTD › For thermistors, use Hart and
December 28, 2018 at 9:38 am
For thermistors, use Hart and Steinhart Equation. RTDs are quite linear though may need to correct cold junction issues with proper resistors
……can use the following code –
- #include <SPI.h>
- #include "Adafruit_MAX31855.h"
- #define DO 12
- #define CS 11
- #define CLK 10
- Adafruit_MAX31855 thermocouple(CLK, CS, DO);
- void setup() {
- Serial.begin(9600);
- Serial.println("MAX31855 test");
- // wait for MAX chip to stabilize
- delay(500);
- }
- void loop() {
- // Initialize variables.
- int i = 0; // Counter for arrays
- double internalTemp = thermocouple.readInternal(); // Read the internal temperature of the MAX31855.
- double rawTemp = thermocouple.readCelsius(); // Read the temperature of the thermocouple. This temp is compensated for cold junction temperature.
- double thermocoupleVoltage= 0;
- double internalVoltage = 0;
- double correctedTemp = 0;
- // Check to make sure thermocouple is working correctly.
- if (isnan(rawTemp)) {
- Serial.println("Something wrong with thermocouple!");
- }
- else {
- // Steps 1 & 2. Subtract cold junction temperature from the raw thermocouple temperature.
- thermocoupleVoltage = (rawTemp – internalTemp)*0.041276; // C * mv/C = mV
- // Step 3. Calculate the cold junction equivalent thermocouple voltage.
- if (internalTemp >= 0) { // For positive temperatures use appropriate NIST coefficients
- // Coefficients and equations available from http://srdata.nist.gov/its90/download/type_k.tab
- double c[] = {-0.176004136860E-01, 0.389212049750E-01, 0.185587700320E-04, –0.994575928740E-07, 0.318409457190E-09, –0.560728448890E-12, 0.560750590590E-15, –0.320207200030E-18, 0.971511471520E-22, –0.121047212750E-25};
- // Count the the number of coefficients. There are 10 coefficients for positive temperatures (plus three exponential coefficients),
- // but there are 11 coefficients for negative temperatures.
- int cLength = sizeof(c) / sizeof(c[0]);
- // Exponential coefficients. Only used for positive temperatures.
- double a0 = 0.118597600000E+00;
- double a1 = –0.118343200000E-03;
- double a2 = 0.126968600000E+03;
- // From NIST: E = sum(i=0 to n) c_i t^i + a0 exp(a1 (t – a2)^2), where E is the thermocouple voltage in mV and t is the temperature in degrees C.
- // In this case, E is the cold junction equivalent thermocouple voltage.
- // Alternative form: C0 + C1*internalTemp + C2*internalTemp^2 + C3*internalTemp^3 + … + C10*internaltemp^10 + A0*e^(A1*(internalTemp – A2)^2)
- // This loop sums up the c_i t^i components.
- for (i = 0; i < cLength; i++) {
- internalVoltage += c[i] * pow(internalTemp, i);
- }
- // This section adds the a0 exp(a1 (t – a2)^2) components.
- internalVoltage += a0 * exp(a1 * pow((internalTemp – a2), 2));
- }
- else if (internalTemp < 0) { // for negative temperatures
- double c[] = {0.000000000000E+00, 0.394501280250E-01, 0.236223735980E-04, –0.328589067840E-06, –0.499048287770E-08, –0.675090591730E-10, –0.574103274280E-12, –0.310888728940E-14, –0.104516093650E-16, –0.198892668780E-19, –0.163226974860E-22};
- // Count the number of coefficients.
- int cLength = sizeof(c) / sizeof(c[0]);
- // Below 0 degrees Celsius, the NIST formula is simpler and has no exponential components: E = sum(i=0 to n) c_i t^i
- for (i = 0; i < cLength; i++) {
- internalVoltage += c[i] * pow(internalTemp, i) ;
- }
- }
- // Step 4. Add the cold junction equivalent thermocouple voltage calculated in step 3 to the thermocouple voltage calculated in step 2.
- double totalVoltage = thermocoupleVoltage + internalVoltage;
- // Step 5. Use the result of step 4 and the NIST voltage-to-temperature (inverse) coefficients to calculate the cold junction compensated, linearized temperature value.
- // The equation is in the form correctedTemp = d_0 + d_1*E + d_2*E^2 + … + d_n*E^n, where E is the totalVoltage in mV and correctedTemp is in degrees C.
- // NIST uses different coefficients for different temperature subranges: (-200 to 0C), (0 to 500C) and (500 to 1372C).
- if (totalVoltage < 0) { // Temperature is between -200 and 0C.
- double d[] = {0.0000000E+00, 2.5173462E+01, –1.1662878E+00, –1.0833638E+00, –8.9773540E-01, –3.7342377E-01, –8.6632643E-02, –1.0450598E-02, –5.1920577E-04, 0.0000000E+00};
- int dLength = sizeof(d) / sizeof(d[0]);
- for (i = 0; i < dLength; i++) {
- correctedTemp += d[i] * pow(totalVoltage, i);
- }
- }
- else if (totalVoltage < 20.644) { // Temperature is between 0C and 500C.
- double d[] = {0.000000E+00, 2.508355E+01, 7.860106E-02, –2.503131E-01, 8.315270E-02, –1.228034E-02, 9.804036E-04, –4.413030E-05, 1.057734E-06, –1.052755E-08};
- int dLength = sizeof(d) / sizeof(d[0]);
- for (i = 0; i < dLength; i++) {
- correctedTemp += d[i] * pow(totalVoltage, i);
- }
- }
- else if (totalVoltage < 54.886 ) { // Temperature is between 500C and 1372C.
- double d[] = {-1.318058E+02, 4.830222E+01, –1.646031E+00, 5.464731E-02, –9.650715E-04, 8.802193E-06, –3.110810E-08, 0.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00, 0.000000E+00};
- int dLength = sizeof(d) / sizeof(d[0]);
- for (i = 0; i < dLength; i++) {
- correctedTemp += d[i] * pow(totalVoltage, i);
- }
- } else { // NIST only has data for K-type thermocouples from -200C to +1372C. If the temperature is not in that range, set temp to impossible value.
- // Error handling should be improved.
- Serial.print("Temperature is out of range. This should never happen.");
- correctedTemp = NAN;
- }
- Serial.print("Corrected Temp = ");
- Serial.println(correctedTemp, 5);
- Serial.println("");
- }
- delay(1000);
- }