Projects › Projects › SMS based HOME AUTOMATION › dear sir,i’m now doing this
dear sir,i’m now doing this project by using AT89S52 and siemens c55 as the server phone.
i am not using any LCD and the sms is on pdu format (since c55 doesnt support text mode)so,my system work like this:
if the system get a sms it will check if the message is right or not,if it is true it will execute the program and send the confirmation.
For example to turn a lamp on I should send : LAMP ON and the system will read the command and execute if it is right and give confirmation: LAMP IS ON
I already understand about the PDU,but the one I don’t understand is how to program to read the sms using AT+CMGR?I’m using C though.
does anybody could give references?
thank you in advance