Build target ‘Target 1’
compiling main.c…
MAIN.C(1): error C103: ‘<string>’: unclosed string
MAIN.C(1): error C141: syntax error near ‘<string>’
main.c(1): warning C318: can’t open file ‘<REGX51.H’
main.c(1): error C305: unterminated string/char const
LCD.H(17): error C202: ‘P2_0’: undefined identifier
LCD.H(18): error C202: ‘P2_1’: undefined identifier
LCD.H(19): error C202: ‘P2’: undefined identifier
LCD.H(20): error C202: ‘P2_2’: undefined identifier
LCD.H(22): error C202: ‘P2_2’: undefined identifier
LCD.H(30): error C202: ‘P2_0’: undefined identifier
LCD.H(32): error C202: ‘P2_1’: undefined identifier
LCD.H(35): error C202: ‘P2’: undefined identifier
LCD.H(36): error C202: ‘P2’: undefined identifier
LCD.H(37): error C202: ‘P2_2’: undefined identifier
LCD.H(39): error C202: ‘P2_2’: undefined identifier
LCD.H(42): error C202: ‘P2’: undefined identifier
LCD.H(43): error C202: ‘P2’: undefined identifier
LCD.H(44): error C202: ‘P2_2’: undefined identifier
LCD.H(46): error C202: ‘P2_2’: undefined identifier
LCD.H(50): error C202: ‘P2_0’: undefined identifier
Target not created
i just changed the include <AT89X52> to #include <REGX51.H> and then change the device from At89S52 to At89C51 is that the correct way to do that. im so sorry i really dont have any idea about mcu programming