Microcontroller › 8051 › wants to know the estimated cost of making a project. › 2: Traffic Controller This
2: Traffic Controller
This project is very old one and very simple. i think its not allowed because it already made from many students.
But if you want to make this one only need to modify add some extra feature like traffic density concept.
Traffic Density: In this you check all side of the signal point where traffic is high time of count down will be high so that traffic is decreses.
so in this you can use wireless detection sensor like Proximity sensor or obstacle sensor for identify traffic on each side.
Also need to display time out on each sideand also need to prevent if any one break traffic signal.
So Overall its cost is around 9000 INR.
I implemented both project and working sucessfully. I put voice based lift controller at my office coplex and working very fine since 1 year.
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